Inner Torah Collaging

The inner work that is the hallmark of Inner Torah connects you in a deep, loving way to the holy text that is your life story. It helps you heal, grow, elevate, and integrate different parts of yourself, and come closer to Hashem in the process.

The more work you do, the more you’re able to see how the many disparate pieces of your life fit together in patterns that are uniquely yours, geared to the needs of your neshamah. Much like a kaleidoscope, the patterns shift shape and form as you continue to become more and more of who Hashem created you to be. The wise inner eye sees and appreciates the beauty that is ever-evolving over the course of a lifetime.

Collaging offers an opportunity to give expression to a little bit of that beauty. All sorts of things that at one time or another had meaning in your life (or the life of a loved one) can be woven together into a heart and soul-touching, inspiring, and visually uplifting work of art. Memories embedded in stashed-away mementos can be rekindled in a way that contributes to a sense of sheleimus (wholeness) and gratitude to Hashem.

Miriam Millhauser Castle came to collaging through the door of watercolor painting and saw in it an opportunity to bring another dimension to Inner Torah. She began by using some of the things she inherited from her mother (a”h), sister (a”h) and mother-in-law (a”h), along with things from different stages in her own life, interspersed with her watercolors. Jewelry, watches, photos, pottery pieces, buttons, shells, stones, fabrics, cards, and other items she had fondly saved over the years found their way into her collages. Sometimes she worked on canvasses that had been painted by her father (a”h) and incorporated his work into the collage as well. The result was a very personal art form that was much more than aesthetically pleasing. It held a little slice of her life and the lives of those she loved.

Eventually she went on to do the same for friends who wanted their sentimental odds and ends made into something beautiful they could see and enjoy. It inspired and invigorated them to remember and connect with the different times and people in their lives reflected in the collages.

In the process, Miriam realized that having such “life collages” could be beneficial for many people and that she would be happy to make them for others as yet another way to help people get to know and appreciate themselves and their life stories – their Inner Torah. And as a way to celebrate the lives of loved ones. And, of course, as a way to come closer to Hashem, the Source of Everything and the Ultimate Provider in everyone’s life.

If you’re interested in having Miriam create a personal collage for you, please be in touch by email or phone. To view the collage and watercolor gallery, click here.