Inner Torah: Where Consciousness and Kedushah Meet
A groundbreaking book presenting a unique Torah-based approach to knowing and growing the self and coming closer to G-d. It gently but firmly guides us into the inner world – that vast inner expanse that is home to the essence of who we are. There we can cultivate serenity and stability even in the most turbulent times. And there we can connect to the eternal spark of divinity that enlivens each of us. Based on the author’s work helping women from around the world, this profound book offers guidance into the deeper realms of body and soul, and shares powerful true stories of women who have made this remarkable journey within.
Also available in Hebrew.
Practical Inner Torah: A Guide to Going Within
A companion volume to the much-heralded Inner Torah, this book is vital for people seeking to know themselves, better their relations with others, and truly reach the enormous potential locked within them. Practical Inner Torah offers a dynamic and effective program to help people develop the skills to: enter deeply into their own inner world, get to know all facets of themselves, heal old wounds and change habitual reactions, and come closer to Hashem. Complete with real-life examples and an easy-to-use worksheet, it both inspires and guides.
Also available in Hebrew.
The Breath and Body of Inner Torah
Hashem gave each of us the capacity to stay in right relationship with ourselves and others. That capacity is so basic to our ability to be what He created us to be that He implanted it in the breath – the most essential component of life itself – and in the body – the soul’s home in the physical world. The breath and body can help us to come into deep contact with ourselves and maintain that contact in our encounters with others. This book, the third in the Inner Torah series, is devoted to exploring ways in which breath and body can serve as doorways to our authentic selves and to closeness with G-d. It elaborates and expands on ideas discussed more generally in Inner Torah and is intended to be used in conjunction with Practical Inner Torah. Covering such core topics as breath, voice, movement, touch, energy, and boundaries, it is a remarkable guide to living a fully embodied life – a life of wholeness and holiness.
The Inner Light of Love
Love is vital to life. Everyone needs the light of love, even if he doesn’t realize it. Without this essential nutrient that G-d made available in unlimited supply, we can’t become who He created us to be.
The Torah abounds with references to love. Love is the cornerstone of our relationship with G-d. Love sets the standard for our dealings with others and ourselves as reflected in the laws of bein adam l’chaveiro (between man and his friend) where we’re instructed to “love your fellow as yourself.
The Inner Torah Workbook
In her clear and kind voice, known to so many through her Inner Torah books and workshops, and her private work with individuals and couples around the work, Rebbetzin Miriam Milhauser Castle now makes available a step-by-step program to help you master the skills you need to live a truly whole and holy life in service of Hashem. These are skills that will serve you for a lifetime IY”H.
Inside Marriage
Your marriage is a unique vessel that you and your spouse are crafting together. It is your one-of-a-kind base from which to serve Hashem, build your family, and realize your G-d-given potential.
Inside Teshuvah – COMING SOON!
Teshuvah is Hashem’s great gift to us. With it, we can return to Him and to who He created us to be at any time and under any circumstances. Its transformative power is miraculous.
Halachah is Jewish spiritual law, it directs our actions according to the needs of the soul. Those actions include much of what we do in our relationships with others and with ourselves. Torah-observant Jews strive to meet these halachic standards in their daily life. Unfortunately though, most people do not really understand what the halachic requirements are in this realm. They unknowingly underestimate or overestimate what is asked of them and then act, and view themselves, accordingly.
So it is important to have a resource that explains in enough detail to be practically applicable, just what the Torah is asking of us in our interpersonal relationships and even in our relationship with ourselves. To Live Among Friends is that resource. Once we know what the soul needs in any given situation we can do what we need to do to reach that level. We can also avoid holding ourselves to standards that may be beyond what halachah requires and only appropriate to someone who has reached a much higher level of piety.
That’s where Inner Torah comes in. It’s not always easy to behave on the emotional and spiritual level that halachah requires, and certainly not on the higher levels beyond that. So even once people know what is expected of them, for example not to hold a grudge in a specific situation or to judge another favorably in another situation, they might not know how to genuinely get there. They may be stuck in feelings or attitudes that are counter to what halachah requires. Inner Torah then offers a way to clear whatever it is blocking a person from feeling or acting in alignment with halachah – in alignment with the needs of the soul.
To Live Among Friends – By Rabbi Dovid Castle
An encyclopedic work of astounding depth and breadth on every aspect of interpersonal interactions. With eminent practicality, the author — a sought-after lecturer, Rav, and dayan (rabbinic judge) — presents cases both thorny and simplistic which every reader will benefit from studying. This beautiful and essential two-volume set includes such a vast myriad of topics and examples that it is difficult to give even a partial list of them. Suffice it to say, this work contains such detail and description that its pages leave “no stone unturned” in the laws and ethics of everyday interactions.
Walking Mom Home: sharing the blessings of this life’s final journey
A daughter’s poignant account of the time she spent with her mother in the last year of her mother’s life. Mother and daughter joined forces to face the challenges of terminal illness and in the process grew in ways that neither could have imagined. This book is a magical weave of the inner and outer experience of some of life’s most challenging times – living in one’s dying days, serving as the caregiver of a loved one, grieving a great loss and going on from there. It shows us how one’s last days can be a time of awesome potential, how endings can become beginnings, and how love can blossom in any circumstance.