
Updates about Inner Torah classes and speaking tours.

Inner Torah Workbook- Just Released!

The Inner Torah Workbook was originally available only to participants in the Level One Inner Torah International Teleconference Workshop (Workshop). Over the years since starting the Workshop, I saw that others could also benefit from its practical, step-by-step guidance and integrated way of learning how to come more fully into relationship with your true self and with Hashem. The result is a revised version of the Workbook just released, now available to anyone who wants to heal and grow.

The Workbook is designed so that you can work with it on your own, with a chavrusa (learning partner), or with a small group. New material created specifically for the Workshop is combined with teachings from the books, Inner Torah, Practical Inner Torah, The Breath and Body of Inner Torah, and The Inner Light of Love in a way that allows you to learn at your own pace and apply what you’re learning to our unique life circumstances.

The actual Workshop audio program, from which so many have already benefited, is also available in two formats.

The Workbook is available through Menucha Publishers, www.menuchapublishers.com, 718-232-0856.

See Menucha’s special offer below:

Inner Torah International Teleconference Workshop- 2017-18

Iy”H, this year’s teleconference workshop will begin on November 13, 2017. Please go to the workshop page for details. An introductory course, also described under the Workshop tab, is available as well.

Inner Torah Learning International Teleconference Workshop- 2015-2016

Iy”H, this year’s teleconference workshop will begin on October 12, 2015, right after Succos. Please go to the workshop page for details.

Updates- Elul 5774

Welcome to the Inner Torah website new look. Hopefully the changes will make it easy for you to access the content you’re looking for.

Book Release
The newest book by Miriam Millhauser Castle, The Inner Light of Love, is scheduled to be released shortly and iy”H should be in the bookstores in Israel before Rosh Hashana, and in bookstores in the United States and elsewhere in the world by Succos. You can also order directly from Inner Torah. For a description and excerpt please go to the book tab.

Upcoming U.S. visit
Iy”H, Miriam Millhauser Castle will be teaching and treating in the United States during the month of November 2014. She’ll be based primarily in the New York area. To schedule a private appointment or arrange a workshop, please call or email via the address/phone numbers listed under the contact tab.

Inner Torah Learning International Teleconference Workshop 2014-15
Iy”H, this year’s teleconference workshop will begin on December 29, 2014, right after Chanukah. Please go to the workshop tab for details and the registration form.