Inner Torah Introductory Course
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Full Series PLUS Bonus Session

In addition to the content described below, each session includes breath and body work and suggestions for practice.

Session 1: Welcome; introduction to Inner Torah and how it works; definitions and key words/concepts in Inner Torah; developing awareness; the value of breath and body work.

Session 2:  Breathing explorations; more about how Inner Torah works; why relate to the past; how to live more fully in the present; learning about your inner world; connecting your inner and outer worlds; emotions and energy.

Session 3:  Developing awareness; helping yourself at different life stages; internalizing/taking responsibility; recognizing and living the reality that everything comes from Hashem, is tailored to the needs of our souls, and Hashem created the world to bestow good; what can get in the way of developing the skills needed to grow.

Session 4:  Continued discussion of what can get in the way of learning and growing; what is lost by not relating to our lives as holy text; the important skill of stretching and holding the tension of opposites; allowing seemingly contradictory thoughts and feelings to live inside of us simultaneously.

Session 5:  Learning the stories of our lives to come closer to Hashem and become the people He created us to be; levels of learning; the pshat level of learning – relating to yourself, becoming aware, identifying triggers, discovering what you’re feeling/thinking/sensing; the importance of learning this basic level of self-awareness.

Session 6:  The power of breath; the remez level of learning; going beyond identifying your experience and beginning to understand what’s happening and where it’s coming from inside of you; getting to know yourself; how your inner world is affecting your experience; tracking back to your younger, vulnerable self.

Session 7:  More about the Inner Torah process; the remez level of learning continued; connecting with the younger, vulnerable self; connecting with your adult self today.

Session 8:  Ways to connect with your adult self today; what to expect from your adult self today; possible issues of existence; bringing your adult and younger, vulnerable selves together; finding your starting point.

Session 9:  Dealing with resistance from your adult self; possible barriers to building relationship with your younger, vulnerable self; what happens when the adult you meets the younger you.

Session 10:  Exploring voice; Inner Torah in the moment that something is happening; initiating contact with a younger, vulnerable self and what to convey to her; possibility of resistance from a younger, vulnerable self and how to handle it; recognizing hurtful ways you treat yourself, including negative self talk, and learning how to treat yourself differently.

Session 11:  Different ways to do the work; building relationship with the younger, vulnerable self; the power of sincere words and how they affect energy; ways to make contact that don’t violate boundaries; dealing with strong feelings that need venting; encouraging your younger, vulnerable self to express her thoughts and feelings; helping your younger, vulnerable self communicate.

Session 12:  Exploring the spine; distinguishing the past from the present – “That was then and this is now;” the Inner Torah circuit from the present through whatever needs to be dealt with from the past and back to the present; cleaning the lens through which you look at events in the present; stories of going full circle through the Inner Torah process.

Session 13:  Exploring the pelvis; more examples of Inner Torah in action with an emphasis on distinguishing the past from the present – “that was then and this is now.”

Session 14:  More on breathing/exploring the diaphragm; recognizing your ability to make choices — an incredible gift from Hashem; becoming aware of boundaries; the tendency to make negative assumptions and how to work with it; clarifying the transition from past (then) to present (now).

Session 15:  Review of essential awareness list — the basics of the Inner Torah Process; ways to strengthen the adult self’s ability to help the younger, vulnerable self; the issue of missing skills; developing reasonable expectations; understanding the learning process; examples of skills that might be missing; hashkafic questions that may influence what a person expects from herself; deeper underlying issues beyond hashkafa that may affect someone’s ability to function in an area.

Session 16:  Exploring the face; continued discussion of deeper issues that may affect development of skills; steps to take to work on skills; how to help  differing parts of yourself relate to each other and bring you to greater sheleimus (wholeness).

Session 17:  Working with yourself while in the process of implementing a new skill; learning how to balance taking care of your own needs and the needs of others; examples of introducing new skills; communicating compassionately even when saying no.

Session 18: Conclusion of skill discussion with a common example; introduction to the role of grief and loss; the importance of grieving; helping your younger, vulnerable self grieve; learning the skill of grieving.

Session 19:  The skill of grieving continued; examples of grieving a loss; dealing with fear of emotional pain; facing strong emotions; the movement of grief.

Session 20: The language of touch; the power of touch; developing sensitivity of touch; reaching out to your younger, vulnerable self through touch; experiencing the healing power of touch; respecting boundaries.

 BONUS SESSIONTransitions – Short breath and body explorations, with musical interludes between, to help you quickly come into your body and be present to whatever you’re doing.

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